Visit our website and Facebook page for Pre-Cana days, NFP classes, Parenting classes, Couple Ministry training, Bereavement Ministry and Compassion & Care trainings, divorce recovery groups, Ministry to the Sick and Caregivers and more or call Jane at 216-334-2978.
Our website at lists marriage preparation options. Parishes are invited to advertise on our website. Call or email Jane at 216-334-2978 or [email protected]
To assist couples who want to enter into valid Catholic marriage, the church offers them the opportunity to celebrate what is called a convalidation, from the Latin word meaning “to firm up” or “to strengthen.” This is sometimes referred to as the blessing of a marriage.
It is important to realize that a convalidation is not merely a renewal of vows made previously but is a new act of consent by each spouse. This new act of consent is essential to marriage, and the words that the couple expresses are the outward sign of the gift of self that they exchange. This convalidation of marriage may be celebrated within Mass or outside of Mass, again depending on the particular situation of the couple. If both are Catholic, it is fitting that the convalidation be celebrated within Mass. If one spouse is not, it is preferable that it be celebrated outside of Mass.
When couples desire to convalidate their marriage (10% of our diocese’s weddings are convalidations), remember the ENRICH report from PREPARE-ENRICH is very beneficial. This customized assessment adjusts to the married status of the couple and shows the couple’s strengths, growth areas, couple & family maps and other items that offers guidance to the preparing clergy and couple. Married couples often find the communication skills more valuable and applicable than engaged couples. We also recommend the PREP marriage skills day as the preferable Pre-Cana option. This is a sacred evangelizing and marriage enrichment opportunity for couples. For more guidance on how to utilize ENRICH or to learn about the PREP day call Bill Boomer 216-334-2971 or email [email protected].
When couples desire to convalidate their marriage (10% of our diocese’s weddings are convalidations), remember the ENRICH report from PREPARE-ENRICH is very beneficial. This customized assessment adjusts to the married status of the couple and shows the couple’s strengths, growth areas, couple & family maps and other items that offers guidance to the preparing clergy and couple. Married couples often find the communication skills more valuable and applicable than engaged couples. We also recommend the PREP marriage skills day as the preferable Pre-Cana option. This is a sacred evangelizing and marriage enrichment opportunity for couples. For more guidance on how to utilize ENRICH or to learn about the PREP day call Bill Boomer 216-334-2971 or email [email protected].
A marriage preparation series for couples in which one or both have been married before, or one or both will become a stepparent. Includes Active Parenting for Stepfamilies series on subsequent evenings. Note: Couples with no children, or adult children may take PREP as an alternative. Couples also have the option of working with the Cana II instructor for personalized training if they cannot attend the September class.
Register at: Cana II 2016 or call 216-334-2978
PREP fulfills the Pre-Cana requirement for engaged couples, and offers enrichment to married couples.
For more information about PREP, call 216-334-2978. Download registration forms at
Catholic Engaged Encounter is a comprehensive weekend of marriage preparation held three times a year at the St. Leonard Retreat Center, 4076 Case Road, Avon, Ohio 44011. For questions call Alex and Lily Fuentes. 216-849-3769. Cost is $185 per couple. Visit their website for more information and to register –
The Department for Marriage and Family Ministry is featuring a Catholic Divorce Recovery Program entitled Sacred Steps to Peace. The Sacred Steps General Meeting is held on the third Friday of each month, with a focus on spiritual healing and growth through education, discussion and reflection on Scriptures and Church teachings. A “Working on the Steps” group meets the first and third Thursday of each month, and is guided by a team in a support group format, using prayer, exercises and a workbook as a pathway to divorce recovery. Participants are welcome to join at any time.
Sacred Steps General Meeting for 14 sessions
Place: St. Joseph Parish, 12700 Pearl Road, Strongsville, Ohio 44136.
Cost: $25 for series, including the workbook
Working the Steps Support Group (optional)
Date & Time: First and third Thursday of each month from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. - Working the Steps Support Group (optional)